Glamour Beast
Personal site and play space!


Below are links to places elsewhere on the web! If you are looking for links to elsewhere on the site, here is the sitemap. Explore to your hearts content!

Other Places You Can Find Me!


Email me at:


  • Layout for regular site and shrines by Teppy's Layouts
  • Small parts of site code based on Theme 40 by Repth
  • Comment Widget built by Ayano
  • Image on the index page is from I Spy and created by Jean Marzollo
  • Header image for much of the site is a Steven Universe background created by Steven Sugar

  • The Neighborhood!

    Please go and visit these wonderful people's sites! These are my mutual's beautiful sites as well as sites that I enjoy looking at and think others should too!

    My Button!

    (Please host this image on your own site!)

    My Neocities Neighbors!

    Alcatraz Island | Arcane Society | KPH | Seaglass | Nymphali | Varve

    Other sites I just adore!


    Website Guardian ๐ŸŽ† Chaos


    Queering the Map: "a community generated counter-mapping platform for digitally archiving LGBTQ2IA+ experience in relation to physical space. "

    Queer Liberation Library: This organization "fights to build a vibrant, flourishing queer future by connecting LGBTQ+ people with literature, information, and resources that celebrate the unique and empowering diversity of our community."

    Music & Sound

    Radio Garden: A website for listening to music playing right now all over the world

    Radiooooo: A musical time machine

    Gnoosic: A search engine that helps you to find new music

    Listen to Wikipedia: "Listen to the sound of Wikipedia's recent changes feed."


    "Anatomy Quick Tips" by Sinix Design: A Youtube playlist if videos with quick tips for drawing various parts of the body. Made it much easier for me to draw the human form!

    Map Crunch: A website where you are dropped in a random place on earth and can explore via street view! This can be a fun way to practice drawing landscapes and environments!

    Film Grab: This site hosts a large catalogue of stills from a wide range of films. Great for using as reference images or generally finding insipration!

    Skills & Learning

    Keybr: This website helps you learn touch typing by "employ[ing] statistics and smart algorithms to automatically create typing lessons that match your current skill level." I am a pecking-typer and am currently using this to learn how to touch type!

    A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden: An Essay by Maggie Appleton regarding web gardens!


    Terms of Service; Didn't Read: Summarizes different terms of service for didfferent platfroms and websites!

    Weird Fiction and fiction that happens to be weird: As the title suggests. Weird fiction is described by John Clute as "used loosely to describe fantasy, supernatural fiction and horror tales embodying transgressive material."

    The Library of Babel: "a place for scholars to do research, for artists and writers to seek inspiration, for anyone with curiosity or a sense of humor to reflect on the weirdness of existence - in short, itโ€™s just like any other library."