Glamour Beast
Meet the Webmaster!

Age: 20s
Job: Archivist
Nationality: American
Hello! I go by Anno on the internet and I am an archivist and researcher by day and a digital artist and internet creature by night. This website is meant ot be a repository for my art and central location for much of my internet activity. I have a variety of interests and passions including: Horror (in all it's forms), animation, drag, librarys, museums, anthropology, archaeology, and film in general! To see the specific media I love, go check out my Favorites page, where I collect all of the media that I love!
Questions and Answers!
Why did I make this site?
My goal with this website is to make a corner of the web for myself that is completely my own. I have other social media accounts to share my art, as neocities is not exactly the best place for that, But I would say that those accounts are just extentions of this site, which is where my current internet home is. I like that making your own website gives you the ability to shape exactly how you want others to interact with your thoughts, ideas, and creations.
Why "Glamour Beast"?
The name glamour beast is inspirired by multiple sources. The first is drag queens! Many drag queens aspire to glamour and the austentashiousness associated with it. I myself have always enjoyed glamour as well. Wether it be jewlery, beautiful clothes, or flawless makeup. "Beast" comes from my love for the idea of the monster; for the creature in the night all of the townsfolk fear. Wether it be the antagonist of a horror film or a friend you fight alongside in a series like Pokemon, I think the designs people come up for monsters and the cultural ideas behind them are truly fascinating.
Whats that floating head thing up there?
That's the Glamour Beast! They are essentially an artist-sona of myself to act as my face online :) You may see them popping up around the site as time goes on!